Tag Archives: Godzilla

Mechagodzilla stands ready to take on the King of the Monsters

This Mechagodzilla by Yasutaka (AIWSMOYA) takes me back to the monster movies and TV shows my brother and I grew up watching early on weekend mornings back in Japan.

LEGO Mechagodzilla

The sculpting on Mechagodzilla’s head is particularly great, with nice use of cheese slopes and small wing plates.

This is also exactly the sort of LEGO creation we’d love to see tromping through a LEGO Tokyo for the Big in Japan display we’re planning for BrickCon 2010.

Godzilla week!

It’s Godzilla week! Duane Hess shows that not only Moko can build giant, mutated, army-crushing reptilians:

One can, of course, argue that this is not my forte. I have to ask, then, if giant, mutated, army-crushing reptilians isn’t (science) fiction, then what is? ;-)

(Note: updates from me will be more regular from now on. I have finally gotten hold of internet again! Wee!)

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Moko’s Godzilla

It’s big, it’s spiky, and it’s scaly. Moko has been working on a very large model of Godzilla for sometime, and he recently announced that he completed it:

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