Tag Archives: Darth Jar Jar

Darth Jar Jar wants to Rebuild the Galaxy with these new LEGO Star Wars sets now available for pre-order

Have you ever used LEGO to plumb the depths of “What if?” in the Star Wars universe? Soon, sets exploring exactly that concept from the new Disney+ series Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy will be hitting store shelves. Featuring such kooky concepts as a Darth Jar Jar with a dual-bladed lightsaber, TIE-Wing and X-Fighter mash-ups, and Jedi Vader, 75389 The Dark Falcon and 75393 TIE Fighter & X-Wing Mash-up continue the celebration of LEGO’s 25th anniversary in the world created by George Lucas. Releasing on August 1st, both of these sets are available for pre-order right now on the LEGO website (US | CAN | UK). Check out pictures, prices, and links for these new Star Wars sets below!

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