Telling tales of medieval bravery, one LEGO diorama at a time

While castles (and particularly some LEGO castles) are often impressive in isolation, it’s easy to forget that in the mediaeval age, they were often just a part of a larger settlement. Over on Flickr, Baptiste (lebrickoleur) has provided us with a reminder of that fact. And in some style, too! It’s quite a sizeable build, but the section of castle wall we’re presented with is indicative of a much bigger structure than what we see here. The details such as the walkways or wooden coverings demonstrate an acute knowledge of fortress architecture!

La seigneurie de Lauzon

That know-how is evident within the garrison, too, as you can see from this rear shot. This build is entirely modular; Baptiste has been building it in sections, each one corresponding to a chapter in an overarching story. It starts in the small wooden hut in the corner, and finishes in the banquet hall within the castle walls. It’s a fascinating way to go about the build! You can examine all 10 sections on Baptiste’s photostream, and if you speak French, you can read the story too. Magnifique!

La seigneurie de Lauzon

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