We seem to love the LEGO theme of Fabuland here at The Brothers Brick. We’re also big fans of Star Wars, in case you haven’t figured that out. So naturally, when Stewart Lamb Cromar posted his new Fabuland Tie Fighter hangar, we were pretty thrilled. The Darth Vader TIE Fighter and the army of Perry Pandas looking very much like stormtroopers are quite charming. What we didn’t expect, however, was to learn that Stewart has been dealing with sight loss. As a result, this hangar, which would have normally taken him a few weeks to construct, took nearly a year factoring in eight eye surgeries and their associated recovery time. For individuals such as himself, Stewart included an extraordinary feature built into the detailing of this hangar.
Before we get to that though, check out the awesome detail of the TIE Fighter and, for lack of better words, its cute animal pit crew.
You may recall our review for the Braille Bricks set from last year. Stewart included some of the braille bricks spelling out the word “Fabuland” within the structure of this hangar. This closeup shot illustrates the neat detailing inserted throughout the build and some of the aforementioned braille bricks.
Check out our Fabuland archives so see what else builders like Stewart and others have done with their fabulous Fabuland pieces. And while you’re at it, why not travel to a galaxy far, far away and take a deep dive into our Star Wars archives for all things Star Wars.
I’m allmost drooling over the nice parts usage on that tie fighter. A gorgous center piece for an impessive build. Love the beefy blue gonk driod too.
Cheers Rainfoot! So glad you enjoyed all my little details. The gonk made from the Fabuland postbox is a personal favourite of mine. ????????????
Love this MOC! Nice inclusion of the minikit.