Donuts, donuts, LEGO blocks, and a LEGO Block

There are two types of people in this world when it comes to donuts: those who think of round sugary things, and those who picture squealing tires and a very sideways car. And for the latter, chances are the person performing them in your mind’s eye is Ken Block, who sadly left us earlier this year. Clemens Schneider has paid tribute to a true icon of motorsport in the best way possible: with full steering lock, foot to the floor, and a massive plume of tire smoke!

Donuts - Ken Block drifts around Randy's Donut-Shop

The keen-eyed among you will notice something odd about those tyre tracks. They hide a very different kind of track, but it’s one that gives this diorama an awesome party trick. This isn’t a moment frozen in time – Ken’s LEGO Hoonicorn Mustang actually performs donuts!