Builder Peter Ilmrud presents a legend in the making with this beautiful, and dangerous, LEGO swamp. Green. That’s the word at the forefront of describing this build, broken up by the tan interspersed throughout. It’s a bright and bold choice and works wonderfully here for this swamp teeming with life. And even with the green dominating, it’s quite nuanced in the variety used. Everything is distinct in its own right, allowing the scene to shine with all its poisonous might. There are two small things I appreciate in this build–one is the bird watching the scene below, and the other is a paint palette. Can you find it? Here’s a hint: it’s a big leaf for a short plant.
The warrior Morag the Great faces the dangerous predicament of swamp-dwelling monsters. I imagine he’s pausing to reflect on the best course of action, time waning thin as the swamp Hag and her followers move ever closer. The emerald shrine, the contents of which are an awesome translucent green, is before him, tantalizingly close. It’s just across the murky swamp water, where even more dangers could be lurking, waiting for a foolish adventurer to dare the depths. From this angle we can see more of the ancient structure the warrior emerges from. The swamp’s overgrowth hides most of the stonework. From down here we can also feel the density of the incredible plant life. Just don’t touch or eat anything in there–it’s poisonous all over.
I’m not seeing any tan. That’s olive green! It does look tan by comparison, but I think this build is 100% shades of green.
Except for a little bit of black. Oops!
The Green Knight?