That’s no twin suns...

Ah, Tatooine. A wretched hive of scum and villainy and being the centre of the galaxy. Honestly, everything Star Wars seems to take place at this dangerous ripoff of Arrakis from Dune. However, somehow it works. What amuses me is that amongst all the bounty hunters and intergalactic crime cartels, the biggest dangers for two droids is freaking Jawas. Short, hooded, chattery notorious salesmen traveling in a massive brown tank. And this small build by Kosmas Santosak conveys this so well.


There’s just something about the image of a hooded Jawa looming over a stranded C-3PO and R2-D2 that makes me laugh. Perhaps it’s the glowing yellow eyes that’s a parallel to Tatooine’s twin suns that is clever and funny. Or perhaps looking at it I can hear the high-pitched babble of those mischievous scavengers…

A beton nya mombay m’bwa!
Nekkel juuvar obwegadada!

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