Following a mysterious teaser published yesterday, LEGO shares a promo video of the upcoming Super Mario Block set. The new, unusual model in the shape of a question block from Super Mario video games hides three mini-models insides. These models represent different levels from Super Mario 64, including Princess Peach’s Castle. Neither the piece count nor the prices are revealed yet, so stay tuned for more updates about the set.
The new LEGO Super Mario Block is a large cube-shaped model that can be transformed into a lush display piece with dozens of neat details. By the way, it seems like we are about the get the tiniest Super Mario figure so far — built with just three LEGO pieces.
Are you ready to find Princess Peach? Open the LEGO Super Mario 64 ? Block and here we go! Open the LEGO Super Mario Block and relive the adventure! #LEGOSuperMario #SuperMario #SuperMario64 #QuestionMarkBlock
— LEGO (@LEGO_Group) September 9, 2021