One can forgive the awkward salutation in the title. With his four arms, bugged-out eyes and bulbous head, this creature built by Ivan Martynov has that not-from-around-here vibe. Meet Commander Viridigen. In regards to native fauna, his ethics may seem questionable and his grasp of the English language makes about as much gramatical sense as anything on 4Chan. In terms of LEGO pieces, some elements of this extra-terrestrial look a bit…alien. I mean, check out those feet, the chest armor, the shoulder pads. That’s not quite LEGO, folks! Even his head resembles something like a metallic ram. But you know what they say, a little alien integration into your LEGO collection never hurt anybody. Am I right? Right, people? Isn’t that what they say? Anyway, feast your ocular orbs on the other times we were totally flamboozled by Ivan’s krunk.