It doesn’t matter how many martial arts-based fantasy films you may have seen… or how deep your understanding is of the deep worlds within the stories of speedy fight scenes, this build by Markus Rollbühler brings a new dimension to the iconic fight scenes we all instantly recognise with LEGO bricks.
From the illusion of flowing costumes through to the dynamic poses, we are all sitting on the edge of our seats, awaiting the infamous “KLANG” of the weapons colliding in the mid-air showdown. And to add to this technical build, once your eyes have absorbed and comprehended the central figures, you will find yourself looking deeper. It is then at this time that you will begin to notice the background. The intricate details of embellishment that have gone into each wall, table and window piece. Take a step back from this moment in time and sit on the edge of your seat once more… preparing for the battle that is about to explode. Lucky for us, Markus has ensured that this build has it all immortalised in this frozen dynamic scene of pure beauty, energy and storytelling.
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