Frogger’s Revenge

Builder Cecilie Fritzvold is on a roll with dynamite-based creations lately, and this may be the best one yet. The Strawberry Poison Dynamite Frog dwells deep in the rainforests of IBlandia, or so it’s said. It’s possible that this is just a flight of fancy. It’s possible that adorable little frog isn’t a clever combination of LEGO rubber bands, dynamite, antenna bases, and cherries. Or that the lush greenery of the forest isn’t minifigure palets, capes, grill tiles, and even more dynamite. But I’m not about to venture into the jungle and find out. Better safe than sorry, these days.

Strawberry Poison Dynamite Frog

If you’ve haven’t seen Cecile’s other TNT-centric builds, be sure to check them out!

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