Alright, alright! I know it’s a pun only a dad could love, but I can’t help myself. This adorable little LEGO sewing machine, built by Vaionaut, is both clever and crafty. I’m a fan of the dress slopes used to make the body look sleek. I also like the Fencer’s foil used as the needle.
Of course, what would an old-fashioned sewing machine be without its mechanics? I’m a sucker for moving parts. The function is pretty simple, but it sure does make it look cool!
If you think this little guy looks familiar, maybe that’s because another builder came up with a sewing machine very similar a while back. It also moves! And in fact, that builder, Pixeljunkie, has updated his machine with some shiny new bling.
Each of these builders are excellent LEGO artists. You can see more from both Vaionaut and Pixeljunkie in our archives.