Don’t just walk – boogie to your favorite tunes with this LEGO Walkman

We’ve seen excellent Walkman-themed LEGO models in the past, but this one by H.Y. Leung is an absolute cracker. The cassettes are beautifully put together, and the parts choice and shaping on the headphones are particularly good. The buttons on the tape player’s side are relatively simple, but accurate to the original piece of hardware. And, whilst the cable doesn’t appear to be “purist” LEGO building, its messy tangle adds immensely to the build.

Lego Sony TPS-L2 Walkman

1 comment on “Don’t just walk – boogie to your favorite tunes with this LEGO Walkman

  1. Sumochemist

    The OP has overlooked or is ignorant of the fact that this is obviously supposed to be the walkman of Peter Quill, aka Starlord, from the MCU’s Guardians of the Galaxy franchise.

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