Zebra Batman revealed as Diego Comic-Con 2019 LEGO DC Exclusive Minifigure [News]

LEGO just revealed the Zebra Batman minifigure as the DC Exclusive Minifigure that will be available at San Diego 2019 Comic Con. Zebra Batman was introduced in 1960 fighting against Zebra-Man as the villain.  The minifigure can be obtained as part of a randomized draw on July 20th at the LEGO both in San Diego Comic-Con.

Remember to check out the other SDCC 2019 Exclusives Announced

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LEGO 77903 The Dark Knight of Gotham City revealed as San Diego Comic-con 2019 LEGO Exclusive

Spiderman Advanced Suit revealed as Diego Comic-con 2019 LEGO Marvel Exclusive

LEGO reveals two new Star Wars sets from Tatooine at San Diego Comic-Con

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1 comment on “Zebra Batman revealed as Diego Comic-Con 2019 LEGO DC Exclusive Minifigure [News]

  1. Purple Dave

    *inhales deeply*

    Wh- *CENSORED*

    Whew. I think that just about covers my thoughts on this.

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