New Lego Star Wars video game: The Skywalker Saga revealed at E3 [News]

Hold on to your lightsabers, padawans, TT games has announced an all new Lego Star Wars game, The Skywalker Saga, at this year’s Microsoft XBox E3 press conference. Not merely a rehash of past games, this will be an all-new experience that spans all nine Star Wars movies including the upcoming Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. It boasts over 100 playable characters and the ability to drop into the story at any point you wish.

“LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga marks our return to the franchise that kicked off the LEGO video game series. The game will give fans an all-new LEGO Star Wars experience with complete freedom to explore the LEGO Star Wars galaxy,” said Tom Stone, managing director of TT Games. “It was an absolute pleasure to be part of the launch of the original LEGO Star Wars game and it’s equally exciting to now move the series forward and help create a new era of LEGO Star Wars games.”

“With the Skywalker saga coming to an end, we wanted to give fans the ultimate Star Wars video game experience with all the humor and charm that is uniquely LEGO,” said Douglas Reilly, vice president, Lucasfilm Games. “LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will bring to life all those Star Wars adventures remembered and undiscovered in an epic culmination of all nine saga films as fans celebrate the closing of this chapter in Star Wars.”

Check out the trailer and more screenshots from the game below.

No official release date has been announced, but you can look for it to come out in 2020 on Xbox, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC. Take a look at a variety of locations from the game below, starting with an AT-ST on Endor.

R2-D2 meets Jawas on Tattooine.

A Republic Cruiser makes an imposing presence.

Lando in disguise is joined by R2-D2 and a Bantha.

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