When it comes to ocean-dwelling mammals, the majestic black and white killer whale (also known as an orca) is a fan favorite. The killer whale’s beauty is matched by its power, which can be seen when they breach the surface. Both of these characteristics are expertly captured by timofey_tkachev in his model of an orca leaping out of the waves. I am especially impressed by the builder’s ability to use a variety of curved and angular slope elements to capture both skin color patterns and the sleek shape of the whale’s body. The brick-built base with with waves following the whale’s trajectory is also a wonderfully believable touch, plus the builder included instructions for an added bonus.
Website says the image is no longer available…
Thanks for the heads up, we’ve fixed it.
I believe, it was already on TBB: https://www.brothers-brick.com/2017/08/16/grace-elegance-orca-whale-breaching/.
Thought it’s a pleasure to see this MOC again.