Arms of the New Colossus

One of my favorite video game stories is told in Wolfenstein: The New Order and The New Colossus. It’s a powerful story set in an alternate history 1960 defined by Nazi world domination. The German tech in this game as as fascinating as the story, so I combined my love of the plot and tech with a bit of flair in my LEGO replica of a gold plated Pistole 1946, wielded by antagonist Frau Irene Engel.

Gold Pistole 1946 - Wolfenstein

This handgun takes clear motifs of a Luger P08 with some modifications. Building it entirely in pearl gold was quite challenging; if 2×2 plates and tiles weren’t made in pearl gold, this build would not have been structurally sound. I talk about some of the limitations I overcame and the resulting techniques created in this video (as well as demonstrate its removable magazine).

With this, I can check “gold weapon” off the list for my LEGO arsenal!

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