Scruffy-looking blaster that only a scoundrel would wield

According to Star Wars lore, the DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, the weapon of choice of Han Solo, is considered to be one of the most powerful blaster pistols in the galaxy! Daryl Mark Ng, known for creating all things Star Wars in a fashionably UCS (Ultimate Collector Series) scale, presents an amazing replica of the DL-44, down to a custom sticker plate and display stand.

Han Solo DL-44 Blaster

The build, including the stand, has over 500 pieces and took about 5 days to design digitally. With the right parts in hand, Daryl built it in a day with a few modifications to his digital design. The only warning I can give to stormtroopers and bounty hunters is to stay clear if you want to live to see another day.

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