As a holiday gift to our readers, The Brothers Brick commissioned talented LEGO artist Tyler Clites to design a LEGO model that everybody can build. This custom “Outlaw Spaceship” should make any sci-fi fan’s heart twinkle like a firefly in the depths of space.
Our simple, step-by-step instructions and parts list will help you assemble this unique model unveiled for the first time here. It’s full of LEGO building techniques you won’t generally see in an official LEGO model, so it’s also an opportunity to learn a few tips and tricks. Let us know in the comments if you like these instructions, and we may do them more regularly in the future.
Digital Model
In addition to the standard instructions below, we’ve also created a digital file for use in If you need to buy any parts for this model, you’ll be able to create a Bricklink wanted list of elements straight from the program to get you started on building this awesome spaceship. You can download the software for free on both PC and Mac here.
Download the Outlaw Spaceship digital file here. We’ve also created a PDF, in case you want to print the instructions or build the model offline (but please don’t re-share our instructions without permission).
Outlaw Spaceship steps 1-16
Outlaw Spaceship steps 17-23
Outlaw Spaceship parts list (184 pcs)
Got your ship built? It’s time to see if you can outrun Feds & Reavers alike!
Is it possible to download the instructions as a PDF?
It’s definitely a like and I would love to see more instructions.
I was thinking the same thing related to having a PDF.
So why is this something “anyone can build”?
@Aardvark17 because 1. The parts are common. 2. There are building instructions 3. There’s a bricklink file to create a wanted list to source the parts if you don’t have them. 4. Anyone can build it.
Enjoy the build :-)
@Brandon & Scott: Official TBB PDF added. :-)
(Scott, would you mind taking down your PDF on Google Drive? We’d definitely prefer people use our official version.)
This is great! One simple suggestion for future efforts is a white background—I think I used all my toner printing the PDF.
the link for the third image is broken
Sure thing. Link and PDF are not deleted.
@Jason: Hmmm, I can’t figure out why that page is behaving differently from the others. I’ve changed it so it links directly to the full-size image for now. How odd.
@Scott: Thanks! ;-)
Having been a Lego Dad for many years, this actually looks easy. (yes, with many brick shaped scars on my feet!)
I downloaded them as jpegs, I’ll get the information I need from that. No big deal.
so neat! Gonna have to find me all the pieces.
My favorite part (pun intended) is the tiny version of the Mule.
Thank you, would love to have more like this
Are you trying to set a world record for the number of oblique references to a certain unfairly cancelled TV show here? They made me smile…
Love the design and want to build my own one now. Do you have the Lego numbers for the parts, as I’m having difficulty finding some bits? Thanks :)
@Daryl which bits are you struggling with? (eg. third column, second part down….)