While most mechs stand on two feet and resemble a humanoid shape, builder David Liu explores a new subject with an unexpected mech in the form of a lobster! It’s more likeable than one might expect, especially because it has a tiny lobster as a pilot and a cannon mount to blast anything into smithereens. In this case, Batman and his plate full of lettuce and butter are the target!
The build looks great from all angles, and I must say that even the detailing on the underside looks exceptional.
Fun fact: Most lobsters are depicted as having eight legs (including the claws) just like the above mech, but to be anatomically accurate, they do actually have 10 legs.
I was going to say (and still am!) that I forgive the builder for shorting it two legs because the actual lobster element is short a pair as well. They also generally don’t turn red until they’ve been cooked, though there are always very rare exceptions like half of the Harley Quinn lobster that was caught seven years ago.