TBB Weekly Brick Report: LEGO news roundup for February 11, 2017 [News]

The Brothers Brick publishes so many stories that we’re giving you the best of LEGO news and reviews. This is our Weekly Brick Report for the second week of February, BATMAN WEEK!

TBB BATMAN NEWS & REVIEWS: This past week could have been called The LEGO Batman Movie week. Here is your LEGO news, Batman takeover edition!

TBB NEWS, INSTRUCTIONS & INTERVIWS: There was a little non-Batman related news this week, and the next LEGO movie is on the way.

OTHER NEWS: There was a massive amount of LEGO news from other places around the web this week. Here are a few items we noticed and thought you might enjoy.

That wraps up BATMAN WEEK! We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

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