New LEGO Dimensions sets, including E.T., Sonic the Hedgehog, Gremlins, and Fantastic Beasts [News]

Today LEGO and Warner Bros are giving us our first look at the actual sets from the new round of LEGO Dimensions sets, featuring a wide range of licenses. Last month we got the press release and a CG trailer of the new characters, but here you can check out all the details. The new packs will be available Nov. 18.

71253 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, $49.99

LEGO Dimensions: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them


71257 Tina Goldstein, $11.99

LEGO Dimensions: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

71244 Sonic the Hedgehog, $29.99

LEGO Dimensions: Sonic the Hedgehog

71256 Gremlins: Gizmo and Stripe, $24.99

LEGO Dimensions: Gremlins

71258 E.T., $11.99

LEGO Dimensions: E.T.

71285 Marceline the Vampire Queen, $11.99

LEGO Dimensions: Adventure Time

via Kotaku

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1 comment on “New LEGO Dimensions sets, including E.T., Sonic the Hedgehog, Gremlins, and Fantastic Beasts [News]

  1. Jai

    They couldn’t come up with anything better than that “golden ring” for Sonic? Yikes. All of these minifigs are great, though!

    …Also really wish Marceline had a sculpted minifig axe (Guitar).

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