Do you want to blog for The Brothers Brick? We’re recruiting! [News]

Have you ever wanted to tell the whole world about the awesome LEGO model you just saw? Are you the person your family and friends look to on Facebook or Twitter for the latest LEGO news and the best LEGO creations? If you have a passion for LEGO and want to share it with the world, The Brothers Brick might be the place for you.


As a TBB Contributor, you’ll get to highlight the news you find, your favorite LEGO models from other builders, and even whatever you build yourself. We’ll expect you to write 3-4 new posts each week. That sounds easier than it actually is. Want to know what life is like at The Brothers Brick? Watch this video…

To help make sure that you’re successful as a new Contributor, here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Adult LEGO builder (AFOL) aged 18 or older.
  • Established track record in the AFOL community, whether on Flickr, a LEGO fan forum, or somewhere else.
  • Good communicator and writer, as evidenced in comments and forum/group discussions.
  • Previous blogging experience a strong plus.

TBB Contributor positions are unpaid — all joking about secure compounds and million-dollar yachts aside, The Brothers Brick is run by a bunch of passionate volunteers who blog about LEGO in their spare time. All money the site earns through the support of our loyal readers goes toward server and bandwidth costs, purchasing products to review, sponsoring contests and fan events like BrickCon, and helping out the LEGO fan community wherever we can.

Even though it’s a volunteer role, being a TBB Contributor provides a genuine opportunity to participate in one of the top hobby sites in the world. If you don’t have prior blogging experience, you’ll have the opportunity to learn or improve on tangible professional skills such as writing for the web, headline writing, search engine optimization, and social media strategy.

To apply, fill out the form on our TBB recruiting page. Questions? Ask us here in the comments.

P.S. We are not a cult!

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

11 comments on “Do you want to blog for The Brothers Brick? We’re recruiting! [News]

  1. Caleb L.

    If only I was a year older…

    Always wanted to be a part of this blog since I was 12 or so. I even started my own Lego blog at some point, before I realized that sites like MOCpages and Flickr were far better places to get my work out there. Good luck to any applicants! Looking forward to seeing some new members on the blog!

  2. Deus

    I may or may not have applied 100 times. When I submit my form, all boxes go blank and I am not informed in any way that anything has happened.

  3. Andrew Post author

    @Caleb: There’s always next year. :-)

    @Deus: Application received. I’ll see if I can make WordPress display a confirmation message…

  4. bruce n h

    I’m pretty sure you’re actually a cult. I mean, look at these blank expressions:

    Definitely some brainwashing has happened there.

    That video is pretty awesome, btw. Who put that together?

  5. Clint_Matos

    Hi, just wanted to find out if my application went through .

    Lego is the only thing keeping me sane as I wait for death’s ultimate release from this world of hatred and suffering :)

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