Lego Star Wars General Grievous’ Wheel Bike is one of the new Star Wars sets released in March 2014. This set retails for $24.99 and is available on Amazon. Below is a brief video review and my remarks regarding the set.
- Low price-per-piece ratio for a Star Wars set
- Both minifigs are unique to the set
- Includes 17 sand blue cheese slopes
- Wheel bike is sturdy and can be rolled
- Despite having lots of parts, the finished model is rather small
This is well-rounded set in terms of minifigs, parts, looks, and playability. The model captures the gritty look of General Grievous’ wheel bike yet rolls easily. The parts selection is average, but the high parts count helps sell the set to builders. The new white version of General Grievous will surely be popular and is guaranteed to be popular among collectors. It’s one of the best Star Wars sets in the low-medium price range.
New poster, long time reader. Just wanted to say thank you to Nannan for the reviews, especially the videos. I really appreciate them!
This set, in particular, was not on my list to purchase, but after watching the video review, I have some ideas for the parts, so I will probably pick one up!