Saturday Morning Pug

Pugs. You may love them or not, but you can’t deny they’re adorable in their own unique way. Marcos Bessa captures their quizzical look with shocking perfection.


Personally, I like the bow-tie version:

My newest creation! :) this one is only for me, not an official product. Check my flickr for more pictures: #pug #puggie #lego #sculpture #creation #moc #afol #cute #funny #adorable

3 comments on “Saturday Morning Pug

  1. Andrew

    Whaddaya mean you *may* love them?! What kind of nonsense is that. Clearly, you never met Mr. Pugsly, and you haven’t met Mr. Oliver Twist yet. We’ll have to fix that. :-)

  2. Caylin Post author

    Well to be fair, I did meet Mr. Pugsly and found him QUITE charming! I’m allowing for cat people and others who may not yet have had the pleasure of meeting a pug. ;)

  3. Sarah

    I am a cat person but I love pugs! I totally find them adorable! I was so excited when I saw them in the new Hobbit movie. I’ll take one of these Lego pugs in white, please. :-)

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