Friday Night Fights (Round 28)

Welcome to another action-packed night in The Brothers Brick Arena. For you, our faithful fans, we have some stealthy, high-flying action as our competitors duke it out in the air! In the Red Corner, raining down death from above, we have Dan Siskind‘s Black Hawk. In the Blue Corner, with an awesome 80s theme song, Alex Jones and his Airwolf. So get comfortable there on the edge of your seat, as rotors fly and giants collide in this week’s edition of Friday Night Fights!

“UCS Stealth Black Hawk”

UCS Stealth Black Hawk



Last week, Karf’s grasshopper got crushed and eaten by Mihai’s Owl with a score of 7 to 1. Cast your vote, via the super secret ballot box/comments, to decide who rides the waves of victory and who goes crying home to mama!

25 comments on “Friday Night Fights (Round 28)

  1. Chris

    This one is actually really, really tough because both models are top quality. I’ve got to give it to Alex, though, because I love the smoothness, and integrating that windscreen without the frame is pretty cool.

  2. Fred

    I had to sleep on this one. They are both fantastic builds and I agree with the other comments about the smoothness of the Airwolf but, in the end the appropriate shape and weight of the Black Hawk wins for me. It’s a more complex build that doesn’t fall back on single part solutions (particularly the tail fin and rotor).

  3. mmbace

    I agree with everything Fred said — I like how the BlackHawk is accurately built and uses individual small bricks for all of features. It wins a very close battle for me.

  4. IronBricks

    Very close for me, as others have said, but the Blackhawk is chunky-looking, built so solid-looking, I can’t help but like it. Also, I had to look closely before realizing there was a white section below the black section on the Airwolf, since it was photographed on white. Seems kinda odd to me.

    So Blackhawk.

  5. Brengineer

    I really like the Blackhawk, but the Airwolf looks like it could fly circles around it. The sleek, aggressive, agile look of the Airwolf takes it for me, but it was definitely close!


  6. Josh Post author

    I’m sorry you all are missing Keith. I miss him as well. He asked to step down, needing to focus on other priorities for the time being. I volunteered to take over Friday Night Fights because it is a popular feature and I wanted it to continue. I can’t be Keith (and I’m not trying to) but I enjoy the Fights. I’ll keep doing them as long as people are voting. Whenever Keith has the time and energy, I’ll gladly turn the mike back over to him.

  7. Brengineer

    It’s good to know he hasn’t been usurped, Josh. Under the circumstances, I’m glad you saved FNF.

  8. Keith Goldman

    Although I no longer write for TBB, I wish the Brothership continued success and thanks to Josh for keeping the fights going. It has been my distinct pleasure to be your weekend DJ, constant reader.

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