Space Marines GO!

SM-4A1 MaulerPerhaps I have missed them, but I am surprised that we have not seen more creations made for the Space Marine Collectible Minifigure.

But Peter Morris (peterlmorris) has done it in spades with his Rapid Reaction Force. The SM-41 Mauler mech is a more heavily armed variant of his previous Futuron Strategic Pursuer Mk II. Not only does the mech add some firepower to his squad, but he also outfitted the figs with some extra pew-pew. I also must give props to LEGO for giving us so many unique sci-fi heads over the years…as a result there is a lot of added personality in Peter’s squad, and that is very cool!

Rapid Reaction Force

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3 comments on “Space Marines GO!

  1. Tromas Post author

    ^ That isn’t really what I meant. I have only seen a handful of models/MOCs that have been made for the Space Marine fig. Cuusoo projects like that are a breed of their own.

  2. Eric at A Lego A Day

    Love this! That would be one formidable landing party. Several squads of grunts backed by heavy mech artillery. Would LOVE to see the landing ship that gets these guys into the battle!

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