Monthly Archives: July 2012


We have already blogged Paul Hetherington’s (Brickbaron) beautiful Atlantis model, and now it turns out that it was actually only a WIP of even larger and more impressive creation. Poseidon is built for Vancouver Lego Club‘s Mythology exhibit at the Surrey Museum, running July through to September 15th 2012.


Piece by piece, stone by stone

Ever wonder how people built some of those amazing structures oh-so-long ago? James Pegrum (peggyjdb) gives his interpretation, showing some massive stones tipped into place for a stone temple in Britain. Below is his LEGO-interpretation from the English Heritage Guidebook.

The construction scene here is just part of his History of Britain set. I highly recommend take a further look at some of his other creations!

Sci-fi made to look real

Justin Vaughn (-Mainman-) came up with one of the most original starfighter designs I’ve seen in a long time. What also sets it apart is the docking box made out of many bars and connectors. The subtle colored elements as well are used effectively for realism and bring out points of interest.