Mike Doyle (!snap!) has just posted a rather amazing piece of art. The depressing and horrifying subject matter of this piece is almost intensified by the choice of medium…LEGO is after all associated with innocence and happiness.
I will let the viewer interpret and reflect on its meaning on their own.
Thanks to Jack for the heads up.
Wow. Stunningly powerful image. It’s like nothing I’ve seen before in the meduium
Heh. Was just going to blog this myself.
It is hilarious how controversial it os on the MOCpages…
I don’t entirely agree with the message, but I am still overawed by the power of this creation; definitely the most intense piece of LEGO art that I have ever seen.
Funny that the association of innocence and happiness is mentioned, while more than half of the MOCs blogged here are war machines, after all.
@ Porsuk: Yes and no. I was referring to the fact that at it`s roots, LEGO is a childrens toy. I don`t think the fact that geeky man-children (myself included) tend to enjoy building pew-pew spaceships and mecha really has bearing on the impact of this particular piece :D