Top 10 LEGO news stories of 2011 on The Brothers Brick [News]

2011 is now in the history books, so it’s time to take a look back at the year and remember the LEGO stories that made the biggest splash here on The Brothers Brick. It’s no surprise what the #1 news story of the year was, even though LOTR LEGO was only announced a couple weeks ago.

  1. LEGO Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit sets in 2012
  2. 10220 Volkswagen T1 Camper Van rolls off the assembly line
  3. 10221 Super Star Destroyer revealed
  4. LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean sets and video game revealed
  5. 2012 LEGO City sets reveal hillbilly moonshiners
  6. Dinosaurs return to LEGO in 2012
  7. 10223 Kingdoms Joust unveiled at BrickCon
  8. Series 6 & 7 Collectible Minifigures revealed
  9. LEGO targets girls in 2012 with LEGO Friends
  10. Cafe Corner returns in microscale with 10230 Mini Modulars

I can’t wait to see what 2012 will bring!

5 comments on “Top 10 LEGO news stories of 2011 on The Brothers Brick [News]

  1. PeterHoh

    “I can’t wait to see what 2012 will bring!”

    Well, thanks to the LEGO blogs, we know too much about what 2012 will bring.


  2. LegoDad42

    Definitely Lord of the Rings but the second biggest story is the return of the Batman line as well as the DC Universe and Marvel Comics sets!
    Those 2 comic book franchises are HUGE for Lego.

    Don’t know how the ‘moonshiners’ is a big story. It’s just a couple of thugs/thieves figs with a cabin in the woods. Moonshiners…???? Nope.

  3. LegoDad42

    ^Ahhh….I apologize. I thought it was like a BrothersBrick editor’s hot choice picks, etc.
    Still though surprised the Super Heroe line didn’t get into the top 10 anyways.

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