Matt De Lanoy (Pepa Quin) presents the world of Futurama with his New New York layout that features many iconic buildings from the cartoon. Creation of the display spanned two years, which you may even remember our post of the Planet Express in 2008. The full layout measures almost 5’X7′ and there’s tons of details worth checking out, including Matt getting his head in the gutter.
You can see all photos and detail shots in Matt’s Futurama collection on Flickr. Oh, and don’t forget that new episodes air tonight on Comedy Central!
“Good news, everyone!”
I’m not a fan of Futurama and I’m not a fan of fanservice MoCs but I looked at every image in the flicker with a big dumb smile. It’s great modelling plain and simple. Lots of detail and well thought out. The custom faces really connect you with the characters. Also the way Madision Cube Garden lights up a dark room is beautiful. I may have to work on something similar for a large Moc just for the impact of it.
Epicness is here :D The starwars vehicles are out of place though, unless he ran out of bricks then I accept it :)
Haha, and there were LEGO models in the first new episode, too. Interesting.
RE: legomaniacman
I think it’s done as a joke. He usually displays his Futurama diorama next to his excellent Star Wars stuff, including his awesome Millennium Falcon, so it could also be a way of tying the displays together.