DeGobbi’s traction city Salthook rolls off the pages of Mortal Engines

Many people assumed that Crawler Town by Dave DeGobbi was inspired by the book Mortal Engines. That wasn’t the case, but Dave took the book recommendation and turned into his latest LEGO creation, Salthook:

LEGO Mortal Engines traction city

Salthook apparently wasn’t populated by pirates in the book, but they certainly lend a sense of whimsy to the thunderous roar of doom. Dave’s version is also fully motorized, so we can hope for a video at some point soon.

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2 comments on “DeGobbi’s traction city Salthook rolls off the pages of Mortal Engines

  1. Creative Anarchy

    This theme needs more MoCs. I am not even close to being tired of giant treaded islands.

  2. legomaniacman

    Definitely needs more creations, I love the mobile cities on tracks.
    When I first saw it I thought it was a mobile oil rig
    It could be, pirates love striking gold :)

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