I can’t believe no one has thought of it earlier, because using a checkered flag for a chessboard is brilliant. Nice going Ivana Zetko!
I can’t believe no one has thought of it earlier, because using a checkered flag for a chessboard is brilliant. Nice going Ivana Zetko!
So is a helmet for a turtle!
So is flowers for buds on trees.
Pure genius, that chess board.
^legomason, that technique is used in the Medieval Market Village.
My mistake – haven’t got that one. :)
I actually did that a year ago with my Post-Apoc fort project.
I did this before too, in my hangar dio. I used three checkered flags as three layers in a tri-D chess set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kirk0007/3860089135/in/pool-0007