Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor is a fairly recent anime series that has characters with that uniquely anime style, here turned into a fantastic LEGO creation by Shawn Snyder:
Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor is a fairly recent anime series that has characters with that uniquely anime style, here turned into a fantastic LEGO creation by Shawn Snyder:
Not so recent but recently re-released. I remember watching Guyver in all its trashy glory back in the early 90s. The first live-action film was in 1991.
They are talking about the recent (2005) series. I remember watching the original Guyver back in the early 90’s with my older brothers as well, I had completely forgotten about this series, very gruesome. I remember thinking the main characters extremely long side burns (tails?) were cool, what a dweeb…
Still, beyond all that, the suit looks awesome. phong Chang on Mocpages made a minifig of the suit.
Although TBH the proportions are going to bug me forevers, and some of it’s not organic enough. Ah well, ‘s not like I’d do better.