Pirate Master Builder Event at Downtown Disney! [News]

We have received word, from Steve Witt, that there will be a Master Builder Event at the Downtown Disney LEGO Store in Orlando, Florida. The dates are November 7 – 9. What can you do? Help build a LEGO Pirate, 8 feet tall! Dan Steininger, a Lego Master Builder, will be building this new model with the help of the whatever LEGO fans are present! All participants will receive a free Certificate of Achievement (while supplies last), $5 off coupons, and special offers in the store. They will also be holding a raffle for a $50 Gift Card. Hours are 11-7 on Friday, 10-6 on Saturday, and 11-6 on Sunday. Be there or be square!

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4 comments on “Pirate Master Builder Event at Downtown Disney! [News]

  1. lenny

    This is a part of the Festival of the Masters celebration, which the Great Florida LUG will be attending and doing a special display on the History of Movement and Travel – creations and scenes featuring a variety of types of vehicles, etc. Featuring the work of KK Quah, Robin Werner, Todd Thuma, Mike Huffman and a few others that I can’t remember right now. Go checkity-check it out!

  2. Timothy Ratner

    Sucks that I only get to go there once a year, and I’ve already been there May 16-19, 2008(vacation to Disney); My parents’ budget. :-P
    It’s like a 6 hour drive from where I live to there. :-/

  3. Randall

    I’m going today (Saturday) I’ll let everyone know how awesome it is. Tampa is a short 1.5 hours from Downtown Disney. Easy trip.

  4. Mom

    I was there on Sunday 11/9 with the family. It was great!! My husband and I also helped with the brick building:)

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