Final Fantasy VII Characters

Last summer I made several characters from Final Fantasy VIIBarrett, Cid, Sephiroth, Vincent, and of course Cloud. (Well, actually I made the version of Cloud that appears in Kingdom Hearts. I just liked the purple cape and demon wing.)

But where were the ladies — Aeris (sometimes spelled Aerith), Tifa, and everyone’s least-favorite perky ninja, Yuffie? So I set about trying to make the non-male characters. Thank goodness my wife has one of the only two Paradisa set that includes pink legs!

From left to right: Cid (with awesome new goggles!), Vincent, Yuffie, Cloud (proper FF7 version), Aeris, Barrett, Tifa, and Sephiroth.

Check out the Brickshelf gallery for full-size pictures of each character.

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