Obscure but beloved Futurama quote to establish blogger’s geek cred

Like NBC executives, Fox executives are morons. Everyone knows that. Thankfully, Comedy Central knows what it’s doing, which means we all get to enjoy Futurama again.

Everyone also knows that no pop culture phenomenon would be complete without CubeDudes. Thankfully, Andrew Lee is there to fill the gap.

LEGO CubeDude Futurama characters

Sweet zombie Jesus indeed, The Living Brick.

4 comments on “Obscure but beloved Futurama quote to establish blogger’s geek cred

  1. AlexEylar

    Oh, don’t make me go obscure Futurama quote over all your asses. It’s right up there with Lebowski in terms of quotability.

  2. Thanel

    Ooh, beat me to it. Though that doesn’t take a lot of skill. Got to see these in person a few weeks ago and they are great indeed.

  3. kunert

    There was LEGO reference in the first CC episode. Fry had MOCs of himself and Leela.

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