Tag Archives: wallpaper

The black knight always triumphs!

“‘Tis but a scratch!” If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought W. Navarre built a large scale figure of that black knight. Yet, this formidable figure inspired by Dark Souls has no dismembered appendages at all and is actually threatening. While Navarre hasn’t shown the full figure yet, we see just enough. Leaning on his sword after a day of battle, the knight’s weary position conveys so much character. Navarre’s detailed build is not too cluttered, and we can easily tell what is what, and it works so well.

The Black Knight

“Alright, we’ll call it a draw.” Check out more amazing builds by W. Navarre here!

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Inject a little fun in your video calls with these LEGO virtual backgrounds [News]

With video communications tools taking a forefront over the past weeks, LEGO has released fun backgrounds for you to use and transport your homes into another dimension and bringing some of their recent popular themes to inject a little fun during your meetings.

Click to see more of the virtual backgrounds by LEGO

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