Tag Archives: LEGO76422

LEGO Harry Potter 76422 Diagon Alley: Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes [Review]

The June 2023 Harry Potter wave included a standalone version of a shop that LEGO has produced once before: 76422 Diagon Alley: Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. We reviewed the full 75978 Diagon Alley set before – though it’s price has increased by $50 since then – so of course we’ll look at how this compares to the version in that set. Not everyone can afford or wants the whole Diagon Alley set, either, so is this a good value on its own? Here’s our review of the set, which contains 834 pieces and 7 minifigures, and is available from LEGO.com for US $89.99 | CAN $119.99 | UK £84.99.

This set is based on a license The LEGO Group has with the Warner Brothers films, not J.K. Rowling directly. The transphobic views expressed by Rowling do not reflect the values of The Brothers Brick or, indeed, those of The LEGO Group. The magical world Rowling created, in which many who felt a bit different could see themselves, meant a great deal to so many people, including those that Rowling now demeans. TBB affirms each individual LEGO fan’s choice to claim a piece of the world for themselves, or to reject it entirely.

The LEGO Group provided The Brothers Brick with an early copy of this set for review. Providing TBB with products for review guarantees neither coverage nor positive reviews.

Read the full review

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