In 1995, Pixar revolutionized the look of animated feature films with the release of Toy Story. In 2016, LEGO put a whole new spin on buildable figures with the release of the first BrickHeadz. Now, in 2022, these two aesthetic milestones are coming together to give us sets 40552 Buzz Lightyear & 40553 Woody and Bo Peep, These are BrickHeadz numbers 158, 159, and 160, respectively. Both sets will be available on February 1st. Buzz Lightyear is a 114-piece set available for US $9.99 | CAN $12.99 | UK £9.99. Woody and Bo Peep is a 296-piece set that will retail for US $19.99 | CAN $24.99 | UK £17.99. But how does the BrickHeadz format do at translating these iconic animated characters? Let’s dive into Andy’s toy box and find out.
The LEGO Group provided The Brothers Brick with an early copy of this set for review. Providing TBB with products for review guarantees neither coverage nor positive reviews.