Careful! Cool colours can conceal conniving crazies...

Do not adjust your set, reader: this LEGO build really is this colour! It’s not the result of a messed up RGB balance, but the work of LEGO Masters alum Jaap Bijl! At first glance, it’s a house full of whimsy: slightly cartoony proportions, those bright colours, and a fantastic technique for the roof. Who would’ve thought to use chicken drumsticks as tiles? Brilliant! But there’s a sinister side here too, as evidenced by the ominous red light emanating from inside. Surely such a colourful abode can’t hide anything nefarious inside, right? It’s probably fine to stay the night. All the same, I’ll let you go in first. No really, after you, please. I’ll be right behind you, promise…

Mansion of Mysterious Mornings