An arctic diorama full of life

Dive into the chilly waters of the far north with this adorable LEGO build by seb71. This build features a host of micro-scale fauna for you to enjoy. The whale is made from a pair of balloon panels, and the extremely lost penguin is mostly made of black and orange teeth. The local Inuit is using a wand to fish for supper under the watchful eyes of a walrus and polar bear. I sure hope they have a plan to get back to their igloo; that polar bear looks hungry!


2 comments on “An arctic diorama full of life

  1. hntrains

    The best part is actually the word made up of fragments of floating ice – that is, exactly what I had a strong reaction against the first time I laid eyes upon this build.
    Nice igloo, nice hardly-visible bear and other details.
    The lettering on the board needs more work: the “T” and the “I” are way off.
    Verdict: promising!

  2. Seb71

    Hi thanks for your comment. I’m agree for the lettering on the board : not the best part… I made a new version with foam on the icebergs. Photos will come.

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