This LEGO tower evokes mad scientists, crazy experiments, and, er, video games

One of the great things about art (and yes, LEGO building is an art form!) is that people can draw on their own experiences and environments to find new meaning in a creation. Illia Zubashev came up with an in-depth backstory to this teetering tower. Apparently it’s the abode of a maverick scientist and inventor, which should come as no surprise – I mean, just look at it! As interesting as the description is, though, I didn’t register any of that when I first saw this. What popped into my head was the video game Sable. It’s completely unrelated, but it just has the same sort of vibe. So sorry I didn’t heed your fascinating description, Illia. At least I can appreciate what a good build this is!

Storm Tower

1 comment on “This LEGO tower evokes mad scientists, crazy experiments, and, er, video games

  1. hntrains

    I struggled to see the connection with video games; but then, I am not much into them. What do I know?!
    I kept reading and everything became clear.
    That is how things work: each of us has a different experience, set of knowledge, and ability to make connections. One and the same object will, therefore, make each of us see it in different ways. Beautiful, isn’t it? Quite like art (which building with LEGO bricks is not a form of ;_) ).

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