One of the best parts of the LEGO hobby is the lovely LEGO online community that comes along with it. Some builders share their building process on instagram in their stories. Brian (St. Louis Brick Co.) is one of those people who takes their followers along on their building journey. Brian decided to build a castle in sand green and olive green. That’s a decision that might sound like a strange choice, but if you ask me, it works out wonderfully in the end. Not all castles need to be grey! Building in sand green also sounds like an immense challenge because you are quite limited in the bricks you can use, and I always admire builders who limit themselves as a challenge. I love the use of the brick with axle hole and the ornamental fence for windows is quite clever.
If you take a close look at some of the other pictures of this creation, you’ll notice that there is also a niche created for a sand green statue of a king, which is a very nice touch.
Thank you so much! It is an honor to be featured!
I have never seen a green castle. But I have seen lots of such trees recently.
A pleasant sight, overall.