Not your average grandma

Grandma is here, but unfortunately you won’t get any cookies, juice, and stories from this one because well, she is made out of bricks! I wonder if builder Brandon Jones was inspired by his own gram in the creation of this build.

Grandma Head (3)

Jones does an excellent job shaping a round face out of bricks and some curved pieces. The lady’s ears use yellow dish pieces, she’s even got some earrings which utilize the white lifebuoy element for the loop earring effect. The bust’s hair is mostly rendered by slopes in light and dark greys. In my mind, the inspiration behind this build may be the grandma from one of the old LEGO Family sets dating back from the seventies before minifigures existed and instead larger figures were produced. Either way it certainly is a unique bust build.

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1 comment on “Not your average grandma

  1. Håkan

    Hmm, yeah, not sure if it’s the yellow skin or the blocky layering, but I think there’s quite a distinctive old school feel to this build.

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