Annie are you OK? We’ll never know if Annie was OK

We’ll never know if Annie is doing “OK” despite the few hundred times that Michael Jackson asked the very same question. What we do know is the signature moonwalk move by the King of Pop that’s moulded into our minds decades later. This micro build of the moonwalk in action perfectly angled by the 1×1 tile with clip by Joeri Ridder coupled with the tip of the fedora is the embodiment of how a simple looking dance moves together with the right beats can impact a generation of music.


3 comments on “Annie are you OK? We’ll never know if Annie was OK

  1. Gomek

    Well someone clearly doesn’t have HBO. Or know anyone who has HBO.

    Everyone should watch Leaving Neverland. I think it should be mandatory viewing for anyone who is responsible for a child,

  2. bdotreilly

    I for one love this design and don’t believe a word in that LN documentary. Check the court documents.

  3. bdotreilly

    I for one don’t believe a word in that LN doc and love this design. Check the court documents.

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