Even though this ruined Mesoamerican temple by Jonas Wilde doesn’t depict any particular site, it’s clear Jonas was inspired by the amazing Mayan structures of the Classic Maya era (250-900 AD). Jungle foliage drapes itself over the building, while palm trees sprout from the platform. The composition of this LEGO build is stunning, with the scene built on a platform that includes cutaway views of earth and stone, and a variety of heights that accentuate the detailed flora.
A pair of explorers are apparently searching for the Superb Orchid, hidden somewhere in the temple complex.
The main temple is tiled with a mixture of light gray and olive green, taking advantage of the seams between tiles and plates for additional texture under the plants.
A small waterfall feeds into a stream that blocks the path of the explorers.
The massive orchid is worth the harrowing journey.
It appears to depict Palenque
It is in a fictional setting (built for Brethren of the Brick Seas on Eurobricks) but it is indeed heavily inspired by pictures I’d seen of Palenque.