Here’s a pair of cute and colourful microscale LEGO space racers from Victor. Great shaping, partly due to them being built around one of the new(ish) large-scale Nexo Knight figure torsos, but also from some smart parts choices — small angled plates, sloped tiles, and some curved Technic panels. The colour choices are brilliant, making these guys stand out from the usual crowd of grey spacey stuff. And I love the slight angle on the hull beneath the cockpit — that’s a class little detail. These wouldn’t look out of place in an R-Type or Gradius clone, and in my universe that’s a compliment indeed.
Sweet. Looking forward to one in gold come the release of Axl’s Rolling Arsenal and that part gets released in gold.
Any directions to make these?
The builder didn’t note this either, but I believe those would qualify as Vic Vipers, and it is Nnovvember right now…