TBB Weekly Brick Report: LEGO news roundup for April 2, 2017 [News]

The Brothers Brick gives you the best of LEGO news and reviews. This is our Weekly Brick Report for the first week of April 2017.

TBB NEWS & REVIEWS: This week we have news about two things to look forward to and one thing to get your calculator out for.

LEGO Stephen Hawking: Instructions

TBB INTERVIEWS & INSTRUCTIONS: You can build your own scientist or smash a MOC. It is your choice. Click a story below to choose your own adventure.

OTHER NEWS: There was a good amount of LEGO news from other places around the web this week. Here are a few items we noticed and thought you might enjoy.

1 comment on “TBB Weekly Brick Report: LEGO news roundup for April 2, 2017 [News]

  1. Purple Dave

    The Red Keep looks great, but it would be nice if the video even once showed movement that actually matches the animation from the opening credits. Instead, the video portion only shows the towers retracting into the base. In the real animation (for those who haven’t watched the show), all of the major locations depicted in each episode, as well as a few key locations (the Red Keep, Winterfell, and Castle Black), are shown in a really cool clockwork form, always rising out of the map with detailed bits often expanding out of the bases. Never once does one of these clockwork locations retract back into the map.

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