Leave some skid marks with this LEGO 1970 Dodge Challenger

There’s something about racing strips, cowl scoops and 440 cubic inches of pure, unadulterated horsepower that just screams my name. If that sounds like your kind of thing, then you’ll be equally in love with this 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T by Havoc:


One of the most iconic American muscle cars (and not to be confused with the largely plastic and uninspiring version reintroduced in 2008), the 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T was the choice for those wanting sheer performance – and the envy of pretty much everyone else. The Challenger R/T is no less impressive nor eye-catching replicated here in LEGO form. This model is just plain gorgeous. Check out the clever techniques and parts usage to capture the angles of this majestic muscle car. The opening hood exposes the beautifully detailed engine compartment.


This model brings out the inner kid in me and, as an adult, makes me want to check my savings account. This is the stuff of a male adolescent’s dreams. Perhaps it’s just nostalgia, but one thing’s for sure – no kid ever grew up with a poster of a Passat on his bedroom wall.

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